Soft Cell


 Soft Cell简介

1980年,艺术学生马克•阿尔蒙德和戴夫•鲍尔在英国利兹成立了软细胞合唱团,这是一个以独特的低俗电子音乐而闻名的合成流行乐组合。最初,歌手阿尔蒙德和合成器演奏者鲍尔联手为戏剧作品创作音乐,作为软细胞合唱团,他们的现场表演继续大量借鉴戏剧和视觉艺术中的结对背景。一部名为《突变时刻》的自费电影引起了一些Bizzare唱片公司负责人Stevo的注意,他聘请丹尼尔•米勒在第二年制作了他们的地下热门单曲《纪念品》。 1981年的《污染的爱》是软细胞合唱团的下一部作品,它让这两人在国际上声名鹊起;这首歌由四年级预科生埃德•科布创作,由于格洛丽亚•琼斯深情的阅读,它已经成为一首受崇拜的歌曲,被重新发明为一首催眠的电子挽歌,成为今年最畅销的英国单曲,也是国外的一首热门歌曲。该团体的首张唱片《不停的色情歌舞》也非常成功,随后是1982年的混音专辑《不停的狂喜之舞》。 虽然1983年的《分崩离析的艺术》被证明与其前身一样受欢迎,但LPs的标题广泛地暗示了困扰这两部作品的内部问题;在1984年《昨夜在所多玛》上映之前,软细胞合唱团已经分手了。杏仁立即形成了电子灵魂单位马克和曼巴蛇;另一个乐队,马克•阿尔蒙德和心甘情愿的罪人,紧随其后,这位歌手最终在80年代末开始了自己的独唱生涯。经过多年的相对不活跃,鲍尔后来在技术装备网格中重新露面。


by Jason Ankeny
A synth-pop duo famed for its uniquely sleazy electronic sound, art students Marc Almond and Dave Ball formed Soft Cell in Leeds, England in 1980. Originally, vocalist Almond and synth player Ball teamed to compose music for theatrical productions, and as Soft Cell, their live performances continued to draw heavily on the pairs background in drama and the visual arts. A self-financed EP titled Mutant Moments brought the duo to the attention of Some Bizzare label head Stevo, who enlisted Daniel Miller to produce their underground hit single Memorabilia the following year.
It was the next Soft Cell effort, 1981s Tainted Love, that brought the duo to international prominence; written by the Four Preps Ed Cobb and already a cult favorite thanks to Gloria Jones soulful reading, the song was reinvented as a hypnotic electronic dirge which became the years best-selling British single, as well as a major hit abroad. The groups debut LP, Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret, was also enormously successful, and was followed by the 1982 remix collection Non-Stop Ecstatic Dancing.
While 1983s The Art of Falling Apart proved as popular as its predecessors, the LPs title broadly hinted at the internal problems plaguing the duo; prior to the release of 1984s This Last Night in Sodom, Soft Cell had already broken up. Almond immediately formed the electro-soul unit Marc and the Mambas; another group, Marc Almond and the Willing Sinners, followed before the singer finally embarked on a solo career in the late 80s. After a number of years of relative inactivity, Ball later resurfaced in the techno outfit the Grid.

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