Putumayo Presents Yoga

歌手:Various Artists



Product Description

To be released on September 14th, Yoga is Putumayo's first CD release featuring songs selected to accompany yoga practice and serve as a rel...

Product Description

To be released on September 14th, Yoga is Putumayo's first CD release featuring songs selected to accompany yoga practice and serve as a relaxing soundtrack for daily life. Rooted in ancient Hindu, Buddhist and Jain traditions, the practice of yoga has evolved over the past 5,000 years. Adopted by millions of people around the world, yoga provides a vehicle for greater health and spiritual awareness. Music has long had a close relationship with yoga, particularly in the Bhakti tradition, which incorporates musical chants into its practice. Yoga features renowned musicians from around the world. British-born, South Indian artist Susheela Raman duets with Kenyan singer Ayub Ogada on the harmonious "O Rama." Krishna Das, who is the best-known US performer of traditional Indian kirtan-style music, demonstrates call-and-response chanting on "Hanuman Baba (Dub Farm Remix)." Costa Rican group Amounsulu create a serene atmosphere by blending sitars and glass bottles on the song "El Bosque Eterno de los Ni?os (Children's Eternal Rainforest)." On "Bolo Ram" celebrated western devotional musician Wah! sings a tranquil verse that is believed to bring bliss to all who chant it. Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band are known for their beautiful, melodic chanting as displayed on "Om Hari Om/Sharanam Ganesha (Refuge)." Yoga also features the collaborative world fusion group The Lucknow Project, US kirtan artist Gaura Vani And As Kindred Spirits, renowned producer/musician Ben Leinbach and percussionist Geoffrey Gordon, bhajan and kirtan singer Karnamrita Dasi and British producer Niraj Chag. Rounding out this eclectic collection are Swedish musician and teacher Yogini, Senegalese singer Ablaye Cissoko with German trumpeter Volker Goetze, husband and wife duo Shantala and Bhutanese monk Lama Gyurme with French pianist Jean-Philippe Rykiel. 


  • 音乐开放平台
  • 云村交易所
  • X StudioAI歌手
  • 用户认证
  • AI 免费写歌
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