Driftwood Choir’s new single, "The River," marks a significant milestone in the Berlin-based duo’s musical journey. Comprised of Ed Prosek and Portair, Driftwoo...
Driftwood Choir’s new single, "The River," marks a significant milestone in the Berlin-based duo’s musical journey. Comprised of Ed Prosek and Portair, Driftwood Choir seamlessly weaves their love for nostalgia, nature, and introspective themes into a captivating soundscape. Recorded in their shared Berlin studio, "The River" showcases a powerful anthem about embracing uncertainty and diving into the unknown. As the duo explains: "The River is a song about facing your uncertainties. It’s about closing your eyes, gritting your teeth and taking the plunge into the murky unknown and letting it pull you somewhere new. The time we spent writing has been a pretty overwhelmingly transitional time for both of us in different ways. Moving to new places and starting new phases of life made it feel like we needed to write an anthem to help us on our way."
This single is not just a song but a reflection of the transformative journey both artists have experienced, making it a resonant piece for anyone standing on the brink of change.
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