You Ready? (F*ck You Better)

歌手:King Combs / Cash Cobain


发行公司: CYN Inc.


You Ready

Number 1 (You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

This is for my Number 1(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)


You Ready

Number 1 (You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

This is for my Number 1(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

This is for my Number 1(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)

(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)


This is for my Number 1(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)

Oh no no (Do The Wop)

(Then drop)

Baby slide my way

Cause i been out so

is You Ready?

I’m Gon’ **** you better

(They ain’t ready ready)

Then your nigga dissin’ you

Because he hit you up

And you just read it

I’m Gon’ **** you better

(I’m a get it in them guts)

It’s For…

You my queen

So you gettin what you want

If my lady want to eat

I’m a buy the restaurant

Said she such a boss bitch

she hire who she want

She could help me blow the Za

She the fire to my blunt

You could try her if you want

But she Gon’ dub you

Bags with the G’z

Jeans with the cross too

Put us on tmz and other blogs too

Saying thank you to my mans

But he don’t floss you

Baby slide my way

Cause i been out so

is You Ready?

I’m Gon’ **** you better

(They ain’t ready ready)

Then your nigga dissin’ you

Because he hit you up

And you just read it

I’m Gon’ **** you better

(I’m a get it in them guts)

It’s for my

Number 1 (You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

This is for my Number 1(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

This is for my Number 1(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)

(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)


This is for my Number 1(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)

Oh no no (Do The Wop)

(Then drop)

I dance, get Jiggy

Count Hundreds & Fifties

My bitch so pretty

Fat Ass and titties

Her lips so juicy

Reminds me of Suki

Feel like Bobby

you remind me of Whitney

I love you

**** it

let’s up it up

I Louis V ya duffle

There’s never a budget

Just pick out what you want boo

Celine, Chrome Jeans, Rick Boots

She get money

And she lit too

Baby slide my way

Cause i been out so

is You Ready?

I’m Gon’ **** you better

(They ain’t ready ready)

Then your nigga dissin’ you

Because he hit you up

And you just read it

I’m Gon’ **** you better

(I’m a get it in them guts)

It’s for my

Number 1 (You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

This is for my Number 1(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

(You Ready)

(you ain’t ready ready)

This is for my Number 1(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)

(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)


This is for my Number 1(Do The Wop)

(Then wiggle with it)

Oh no no (Do The Wop)

(Then drop)



Ta的其他热门专辑 全部>




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