Driftwood Choir," from the Berlin-based duo Driftwood Choir, marks the beginning of an enchanting musical journey. Comprised of Ed Prosek and Portair, both seas...
Driftwood Choir," from the Berlin-based duo Driftwood Choir, marks the beginning of an enchanting musical journey. Comprised of Ed Prosek and Portair, both seasoned artists with a shared love for nostalgia, nature, and introspective themes, Driftwood Choir effortlessly blends these elements into their music. "Driftwood Choir" is a beautiful reflection of their collective ethos, featuring haunting melodies, rich harmonies, and a lyrical depth that explores the complexities of modern-day struggles and the yearning for simpler times.
Recorded in their shared Berlin studio, the single captures the essence of their collaborative spirit and the tranquil beauty of their surroundings. With its soothing acoustic arrangements and evocative lyrics, "Driftwood Choir" invites listeners into a world where memories and emotions flow as freely as the tides. This release sets the tone for their upcoming singles, promising a series of thoughtful and resonant pieces that speak to the heart and soul.
Driftwood Choir explains: "We wanted to create a song that embodied the concept of our band 'Driftwood Choir' so we decided to give it the same name. Sonically, the song carries all the organic elements that we love and initially bonded over when we first met. It's a song that captures what it feels like to be young, to grow up, to experience many different facets of life and somehow still come out the other side. Lyrically, it's a cathartic release of past traumas and the celebration of what's to come despite the cruelty the world can throw at us. Overall it's a song that's hopeful about the future but doesn't ignore the fact that it'll come with great challenges. Such is the human condition that Driftwood Choir attempts to exemplify.
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