
歌手:Wouter Achterberg


发行公司: Purified Records


Following his label debut ‘Fool Me’, Wouter Achterberg returns to Purified Records with his massive ‘Mutations’ EP. Tried and tested around the world, including...

Following his label debut ‘Fool Me’, Wouter Achterberg returns to Purified Records with his massive ‘Mutations’ EP. Tried and tested around the world, including Nora En Pure’s Main Stage ULTRA Music Festival set, the powerful title track commands attention within moments of play. Conjuring an otherworldly atmosphere with chopped vocals and mystical instrumentation, Wouter gradually builds the arrangement with rolling bass and heavy synth work. Diving into ‘The Unknown’, the B-Side track further demonstrate his hypnotic production style, combining captivating vocals with an enthralling instrumental arrangement.

The ‘Mutations’ artwork showcases a blacktip shark, captured by Daniel Nicholson. The blacktip shark, known for the distinctive black tips on its fins, is a sleek and agile predator classified as "Near Threatened" by the IUCN due to overfishing, habitat loss, and climate change. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these sharks and maintain healthy marine ecosystems. Blacktip sharks can swim at speeds up to 20 miles per hour and often travel in groups. They are impressive athletes, capable of leaping out of the water and spinning in the air while hunting. Despite their powerful appearance, they are generally shy around humans and rarely pose a threat. Blacktip sharks give birth to live young, with females typically having litters of 4 to 11 pups, and their unique reproductive strategy involves placental viviparity, where the embryos develop inside the mother and are nourished by a placenta.

Located on the Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia, Daniel Nicholson is one of the globe’s most prominent professional underwater photographers. He seeks to share the beauty and magic of the underwater world to inspire conservation and change.

Looking to help further protect the ocean? Explore Only One, the action platform for the planet, on a mission to restore ocean health and tackle the climate crisis — with the power of the people.



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