Blue Light Escape

歌手:Ed Prosek / Portair / Driftwood Choir


发行公司: Nettwerk Music Group


Ed Prosek & Portair, the creative minds behind Driftwood Choir, present their latest single, "Blue Light Escape." Drawing from their shared experiences and musi...

Ed Prosek & Portair, the creative minds behind Driftwood Choir, present their latest single, "Blue Light Escape." Drawing from their shared experiences and musical synergy, this song marks a significant collaboration between the duo. Ed's poignant lyrics delve into the modern-day struggle with technology addiction, offering a reflective narrative on the impact of screens and social media on our lives. As Drew adds his musical touch, the composition unfolds into a heartfelt exploration of longing for an escape from the digital realm.

Portair shares insights into the upcoming single, expressing: "Blue light Escape is the third songs that Ed and I wrote together. Ed had the concept and lyrics fleshed out but it was something I heavily relate too. We got together to finish the production and composition and it came together it a way that we’re really proud of. The song is a reflection of self in a modern age, how addicted we are to our phones and screens and reaching a point where you realize the detrimental effects of this, and longest for an escape however possible".

Ed further contributes: "I’m a recovering doomscroller. I thankfully broke the habit I developed during covid but it left me curious and nostalgic for that long forgotten time before social media and smartphones. If it’s not too cliche to ask for the millionth time, what did we do with all our time and uninterrupted thoughts before technology devoured them all?

This song was an important inflection point for me in terms of how I view my relationship with technology and as always, I understand something better when I write a song about it."



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