Zen World Cables

歌手:Reza Askari / RoaR


发行公司: Galileo Music Communication


<p>"ROAR feat. Christopher Dell" is the logical extension of Reza Askari's trio. Saxophone,

double bass and drums are joined by the vibraphone - quasi per...

<p>"ROAR feat. Christopher Dell" is the logical extension of Reza Askari's trio. Saxophone,

double bass and drums are joined by the vibraphone - quasi percussion, harmony and

rhythm instrument in one and therefore the ideal complement. Dell not only brings vibrating

metal plates and beating mallets into the existing trio, but also his own way of thinking and

working: Structures are questioned, gutted, negated or reassembled. Within the buildings

that "ROAR" creates and has built, windows open up. They unlock a view of new

soundscapes. While Askari's compositions for the trio let off steam in their respective

frames, the quartet sometimes scrapes at the frame of the frame, scratches some varnish

from the surface, leaves it and returns to it again</p>.

<p>When improvising together, the top premise is always the group. The three musical

counterparts are always the linchpin on which their own playing is suspended and

oriented. Communication that is based on trust, the joy of playing and ears as big as

satellite dishes.</p>

The extended instrumentation creates denser sound structures. The minimalism of

"ROAR" gives way to a newly differentiated complexity and colorfulness. On the first album

released in 2022 of the four people band, "rhythms, patterns, textures, ideas quickly pile

up while Askari’s compositions provided the base for experimental improvisations.

On this second album in quartet format, the enlargement to include Dell has provoked an

urging of the group to go along with completely free improvised music.

Change is the foil on which the four musicians draw their paintings. They are grounded in

free space and focus. In this way, the potential of "ROAR" is exploited in a new together

with Christopher Dell.



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