Let's Break It Down

歌手:NEIL FRANCES / St. Panther


发行公司: Nettwerk Music Group


LA based indie duo NEIL FRANCES (Jordan Feller and Marc Gilfry) release a new collaboration with singer/producer/multi instrumentalist St Panther "Let's Break I...

LA based indie duo NEIL FRANCES (Jordan Feller and Marc Gilfry) release a new collaboration with singer/producer/multi instrumentalist St Panther "Let's Break It Down" following the previous collaboration on "Head Straight." The collaboration leans into R&B funk and soul and the band is quickly becoming a festival act to see, serving up the slick groove and upbeat tempo that landed the duo previous opening slots with JUNGLE and Unknown Mortal Orchestra.

The LA times has said of St. Panther: "With a confident voice that gracefully moves from singing to rapping to that sublime space in between, the charismatic St. Panther owns every couplet she delivers. She’s got a touch of Amy Winehouse’s rasp, expresses emotions with Lizzo-style directness and can maneuver through measures with an effortless, singsong phrasing that suggests Drake’s humbler moments. The result, however, is uniquely Bojorges-Giraldo-ian."



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