


发行公司: Nettwerk Music Group


Mokita is Nashville based chill pop Songwriter and Producer John-Luke Carter. He has seen notable success over the past few years, with over 400 million streams...

Mokita is Nashville based chill pop Songwriter and Producer John-Luke Carter. He has seen notable success over the past few years, with over 400 million streams across his releases as of 2023. "Names" from his forthcoming EP is about relationships and the work that goes into them.

Mokita says of the track, "I wrote this song about the amount of work it takes to keep a love relationship going. Everyone knows what it feels like to be in the initial ‘honeymoon’ phase of a relationship. The feelings are there, you don’t want to separate from the person, and your ability to be thoughtful and empathic is almost intrinsic, because you are so infatuated with the other person. But the fact is, that euphoria doesn’t last forever, and you have to be ready to actually work at making a relationship last when that initial high wears off. This song is about trying to redefine what it means to be in love."



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