The desire to become a better human being, longing to actively participate in the world around you, striving to actualize your potential, and finding meaning in...
The desire to become a better human being, longing to actively participate in the world around you, striving to actualize your potential, and finding meaning in this process. Over the past 4 years, these have all been things I've struggled to bring to fruition due to my own shortcomings. Nascent is the embodiment of all the emotions which emerged from this struggle.
Writing this album eventually became a source of this conflict. As I created the music which was supposed to help me find peace, I watched the rest of my life begin to atrophy. In many ways, Nascent is also about the writing process and its consequences. Despite this, I would like to believe I've come out the other end having grown because of it.
I am changing. I am learning to be willing, learning to take the shackles off. Who I am and who I want to be are starting to feel like the same person. It's been an insane journey and I am so grateful for it. Thank you everyone for your enduring support and patience. I hope this music finds a place in your life.
Alexander Panos,2022/09/22
Alexander Panos ,2022/09/22
Eternal Healer (feat. Alexander Panos)
always breaking, always healing
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