The Holiday's On!

歌手:Joyce Cooling


发行公司: Rhythm Kitchen


The Holiday’s On! embraces the magic that makes the holiday season bright. The album is a musical gem to enjoy year after year with family & friends of all ages...

The Holiday’s On! embraces the magic that makes the holiday season bright. The album is a musical gem to enjoy year after year with family & friends of all ages.

San Francisco-based guitarist, singer, and songwriter, Joyce Cooling, has recorded eight previous albums...

• Six charting albums on Billboard

• Three #1 radio singles

• Nine top 10 singles

• Sixteen charting singles in all

• Gibson Best Jazz Guitarist of the Year

• Best New Talent in the Jazziz Reader’s Poll

• Billboard’s Contemporary Jazz Artist of 2020 Top 10

The Holiday’s On! is an album of seven all-original holiday songs written by Joyce Cooling and Jay Wagner. First-rate musicianship, outstanding songs, and inspired performance all create a musical experience that is bound to kindle the holiday spirit.

From the 40’s swing-styled title track to the contemporary, groove-oriented “Christmas, Christmas,” The Holiday’s On! sets the stage for a joyous holiday season.

“Christmas Truce of 1914” talks about the astonishing cease-fire on Christmas Eve in 1914 between rival soldiers in World War I.

The up-tempo, “It’s A Brand New Year With You” showcases Joyce’s fluid straight-ahead jazz chops while “Winter Waltz” is a beautiful acoustic solo guitar piece enhanced by Wagner’s stunning production.

“It’s Feeling Like Christmas,” featuring Joyce’s warm, heartfelt vocals, seems destined to become a holiday classic. The album closes with “Snow Is Falling” - a sweet holiday love song. Take a listen...The Holiday’s On!


Contemporary Jazz / Holiday / Christmas Jazz



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