Mi Iubita OST



发行公司: HIFIVE


当Pierre Lefeuvre在制作他的Saycet 项目的第四张专辑时,他收到了制作新配乐的建议:Noémie Merlant的第一部电影《我的爱》。这部故事片讲述了一个法国女人在一个燃烧的夏天中被一个年轻的罗马尼亚男人吞噬激情的故事,这是一个关于飞行、探索和复杂感情的故事。

Pierre Lefeuvre和Noé...

当Pierre Lefeuvre在制作他的Saycet 项目的第四张专辑时,他收到了制作新配乐的建议:Noémie Merlant的第一部电影《我的爱》。这部故事片讲述了一个法国女人在一个燃烧的夏天中被一个年轻的罗马尼亚男人吞噬激情的故事,这是一个关于飞行、探索和复杂感情的故事。

Pierre Lefeuvre和Noémie Merlant之间的合作围绕着他为自己的专辑制作的曲目《Layers》展开。这位音乐家提出了一个极简主义的版本,几乎是全新的。他将把它作为电影原声带的主题曲之一。由于电影发生在法国和罗马尼亚之间,它会受到传统和民俗音乐的影响,而不是陷入陈词滥调。皮埃尔·勒费伏尔(Pierre Lefeuvre)在他平常的思维导师(brain Eno)和一项新研究之间划定了一个新的领域。受匈牙利音阶和Nino Rota, Gustavo Santaolalla或Paco de Lucía作品的影响,音乐家用吉他作曲,发现自己处于一个比平时更有机的音乐领域。

“在完成了《La Révolution》(Netflix系列)和《Le Roi Bâtard》(与洛朗·加尼耶(Laurent Garnier)合作的动物纪录片)的配乐后,我又回到了一种更轻松、更不协调的感觉。这是我乐于开发的作品的一个方面,因为我不想陷入某种冗余。”《La Mer》是《Mi Iubita mon amour》原声音乐中的重要曲目。用合成器创作的这首曲子让人联想到Vivaldi的《夏天》,让人想起电子音乐和古典音乐的动人华尔兹。《Nino》是电影的另一个主题,它唤起了五六十年代电影音乐的忧郁。围绕着一把古典吉他,它揭示了Pierre Lefeuvre作为一个作曲家的天赋。


While he was working on the fourth album of his Saycet project, Pierre Lefeuvre received the proposal to work on a new soundtrack: that of Noémie Merlant's first film, Mi Iubita mon amour. The story of the devouring passion of a French woman for a young Romanian man in the heart of a burning summer, this feature film is a story of flight, of quest, of complex feelings.

The collaboration between Pierre Lefeuvre and Noémie Merlant is built around the track Layers, which he was producing for his album. The musician proposes a minimalist version, almost naked. He will make it one of the main themes of the soundtrack of the film. As the film takes place between France and Romania, it had to be dressed in music with traditional and folkloric influences, without falling into clichés. Pierre Lefeuvre delimited a new territory between his usual masters of thought (Brian Eno in head) and a new research. Influenced by Hungarian scales and the work of Nino Rota, Gustavo Santaolalla or Paco de Lucía, the musician composes pieces on the guitar and finds himself in a more organic musical spectrum than usual.

"After the soundtracks composed for La Révolution (Netflix series) and Le Roi Bâtard (animal documentary in collaboration with Laurent Garnier), I came back to a lighter, less orchestrated feeling. It is a facet of my work that I was happy to develop, because I have no desire to fall into a certain redundancy" says the composer. La Mer appears as an important track in the soundtrack of Mi Iubita mon amour. Written with a synthesizer, the piece makes a distant reference to Vivaldi's Summer and evokes a moving waltz with electronica and classical sounds. Nino, another theme of the film, revives a certain melancholy of the film music of the 50s or 60s. Built around a classical guitar, it reveals Pierre Lefeuvre's talent as a melodist.

With this new soundtrack, the producer puts Saycet's name in the minds of narrative music lovers, straddling his love for electronic landscapes and the emotional possibilities of organic instruments. A racy composer with an extremely personal harmonic approach, he offers here another facet of his work. A new step in a journey that still has a long way to go.


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