本尼(Benedict Cumberbatch)-《My dear Norman》

明星专区 失眠少女的深夜电台(欧美篇) 第66期 2018-05-16 创建 播放:136742

介绍: 《My dear Norman》

My dear Norman

I don't think I really do know much about jobs, except the one I had during the war, and that certainly did not involve any travelling.

I think they do tak...

介绍: 《My dear Norman》

My dear Norman

I don't think I really do know much about jobs, except the one I had during the war, and that certainly did not involve any travelling.

I think they do take on conscripts.

It certainly involved a good deal of hard thinking, but whether you'd be interested I don't know.
这份工作必须勤于思考 但我不确定你是否对它感兴趣

Philip Hall was in the same racket and on the whole, I should say, he didn't care for it.
Philip Hall也想做这样的事 但我认为他并不十分在意这份工作

However I am not at present in a state in which I am able to concentrate well, for reasons explained in the next paragraph.
但现在我没法集中精力关注这件事 下一段我会作出解释

I've now got myself into the kind of trouble that I have always considered to be quite a possibility for me, though I have usually rated it at about 10:1 against.
我现在陷入了一种窘境 我对此早有预感 但一直以为它只有十分之一的概率会发生

I shall shortly be pleading guilty to a charge of sexual offences with a young man.
我也许会被顶罪 以性侵一名年轻男子的罪名

The story of how it all came to be found out is a long and fascinating one, which I shall have to make into a short story one day, but haven't the time to tell you now.
前因后果说来话长 也许有一天我会告诉你这件事 但不是现在

No doubt I shall emerge from it all a different man, but quite who I've not found out.
毫无疑问这会改变我的人生 但我也无法确信我将会变成什么样子

Glad you enjoyed broadcast.

Jefferson certainly was rather disappointing though.

I'm afraid that the following syllogism may be used by some in the future.

Turing believes machines think

Turing lies with men

Therefore machines do not think

Yours in distress, Alan

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